Mount Caburn

Mount Caburn is the high point on a little outlier of the South Downs. It stands above the village of Glynde, not far from Lewes.

Let’s start with a postcard view.


This view – a slightly more distant variant – was familiar to me throughout my childhood. For when we camped this was in the view we had.


That’s me, aged about 10 sitting reading at camp. My dad, who took the photo, has managed to miss the top of Caburn. Never mind. It’s an excuse for another photo.


This photo dates from 1954 and there we can see Caburn in our field of view.

That chalk cliff had a couple of green areas within it. We thought they looked like a horse and a duck.

More than fifty years on (2006), this was the view from a similar point.


I still have to say that I have a real sense of belonging in that field. It feels like where I should be.

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